Monday, October 31, 2011


hello travel buddies!

we are finally enroute to mexico. right now i sit here on the floor below the illustrious 'united club'. an airport employee told me that if you get real close to the doors you can get free WiFi. he's right :)  as i look around i see several other people with laptops loitering in the 'secret' free zone.

we were scheduled to leave 2 weeks ago. i rescheduled to accomodate my boss, which was a good thing because 2 storms went to the same place and we missed them. hurricane rina lingered a little longer than joe liked, and then she made a u-turn! so again we rescheduled for today. it's clear skies now, so we're off to mexico.

hopefully our hotel has WiFi like they said they do.  i'll write when i can.  my computor is all charged up now (joe found a plug by an electric car--under the WiFi club).  we are going to board soon.

hasta luego, heidi

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Operation E-Book Drop

I'm thrilled to announce that I am partnering with Operation E-Book Drop. This is a list of enlisted military personel currently serving our country who love to read. They sign up, and willing authors respond by sending them an E-Book for free. So far I have sent a free book coupon to 48 military men and women. I only have 100 more to go!  This is how it reads;

Hello Major Jane Doe,

I offer you this free ebook through in thanks for serving in our military and protecting my freedom. I truly appreciate your commitment to the USA.

H. Schussman

Free coupon code is #####, just click the link below to see what I'm about and click Counterpart to see what the book is about. I hope you enjoy it and that it gives you a moment to escape your responsibilities. All I ask is if you like my book please recommend it to friends and family back home . . . . please write a review if you have time. Thanks.